What is web hosting explain any 2 types of web hosting?

Shared hosting plans are the most common option for website owners. In this type of plan, a single server is shared between several users. The concept is very simple on paper. However, hosting plans vary greatly in what they offer and how they work.

For example, trying to run your site on a web server with only 512 MB of RAM or on an old single-core processor would be as painful as trying to work on a computer with similar specifications. That means that a single computer (a shared server) will host several (or even hundreds) of websites. Shared hosting doesn't always have the best reputation, but the quality of service you get will largely depend on your hosting provider. While some shared hosting plans are very limiting, others can manage websites that receive a decent amount of traffic.

To give you an idea of what you're looking for, a single-core VPS with 1 GB of RAM is enough to run a simple WordPress website. However, determining the amount of resources you need for each project can be complicated, which can make a VPS a less attractive option if you're new to web hosting. If you think that sounds like extra work, you're 100% right. However, reseller hosting offers a lot of benefits if you can do it.

Most web hosts that offer reseller accounts allow you to charge whatever you want for hosting. This means that if you run a web development agency, you can transform hosting into a source of recurring revenue. Finally, remember that you can always upgrade your hosting plan later if you need to. Ideally, you should leave shared hosting on time and move to a more robust plan that provides you with the additional power or features you need to make your website reach its full potential.

So, which web hosting options are best for you? If this is your first time creating a website, shared hosting is usually a safe bet, and from there you can only go up. On the other hand, if you are a more experienced user and need full control over your configuration, a VPS may be a more suitable option. Désiré has been reflecting and writing about technology for a career that spans four decades. He ventured into website creators and web hosting when DHTML and frameworks were all the rage, and began to narrate about the impact of technology on society just before the hysteria began in 2000 at the beginning of the last millennium.

Shared hosting is an agreement in which several websites are maintained on the same server. Price and usability make shared hosting the most popular hosting option for new small business websites, personal blogs, affiliate websites, and early-growing startups. The drawback of shared hosting is that the hosting infrastructure is used by others. So, if your “neighbor” is going viral, you may receive fewer shared resources.

Which means that the speed and performance of your website are slowing down. Virtual private hosting is a good “upgrade” after a shared hosting plan. In this case, you'll continue to share physical server space with other website owners. But their website is hosted on an independent virtual “real estate” property.

Therefore, some hosting providers propose separate “managed” WordPress hosting plans. In this case, you'll still have shared hosting space. But the hosting package includes website maintenance and security. Managed WordPress hosting is more expensive than regular shared hosting.

However, it gives you more time and peace of mind to focus on your core business and marketing, rather than technical work. Shared website hosting is the cheapest and most common form of web hosting. If a web hosting company doesn't care much about the type of hosting they offer, then it's probably shared web hosting. Cloud hosting takes VPS virtualization to the next level by hosting your site on a network of computers.

When you choose traditional shared hosting or VPS web hosting, if the server stops working for any reason, your website is not available to customers. This is not the case with cloud hosting, because if one server goes offline, visitors will seamlessly go to another server on the network in the cloud. Having your website “in the cloud” has other benefits. Your site can be cached on different servers around the world, making it load faster for international visitors.

It's also easy to scale a website on cloud hosting. If your website takes off, you can buy more traffic and storage space without having to worry about moving servers or installing new hardware. Cloud hosting is more applicable to large scale websites, but many web hosting companies are opting for this type. This means that the price of cloud hosting is falling, so it's becoming relevant even for small creative-based sites.

To actually get a physical web server for you, you need dedicated server hosting. You won't share any resources with anyone else, so you'll have full control over how the server works and your website should work better. Website hosting is divided into the hardware used behind the scenes and compatible software. It's common to see WordPress hosting listed as a separate option from web hosting companies.

Another consideration is whether you need managed hosting. With a managed hosting plan, the hosting provider will perform many of the daily tasks of maintaining a website for you. The host will make updates to the software, check for security leaks, make backups and, in general, ensure that your website works without problems. Without managed hosting, you're basically on your own.

But most good web hosting companies offer their users a reasonable level of technical support and assistance. A particularly popular type of managed hosting is managed WordPress hosting. Basically, the web hosting company takes care of all the daily maintenance of your WordPress website for you. In some cases, the host will even help set up themes and plugins.

Web hosting companies usually have long lists of different types of hosting to choose from. Shared web hosting is fine for small sites, but as your traffic grows, you might want to consider VPS web hosting, cloud hosting, or dedicated servers. Another way in which accommodation is defined is because of the particular features and services they offer. WordPress hosting, for example, includes tools that make it easy to create and operate a WordPress website.

Managed hosting means that the web host will handle most of the daily maintenance of your server and website for you. Perhaps one of the biggest challenges when setting up a website is deciding what type of web hosting plan you'll use. These are people who already have customers in this space, so they can simply add web hosting to the services they currently offer. But before committing to a certain web host, make sure that your choice is well suited to your website's growth plans.

But for those of you who have some experience with web hosting and are planning to create a blog or business website with a lot of traffic, WP Engine is your best option. That means you'll have full control over your settings, and the web host simply hosts it for you. . A web hosting company can take on the role of “system administrator” for you and handle these tasks for an additional fee.

In most cases, beginners will find that sharing is the simplest method of hosting their website; therefore, regardless of whether you're a small business owner, a community group, or a homemaker eager to blog, your site will be available on the web. But if you can get those customers to buy web hosting services for you, you'll benefit from a consistent monthly income throughout the life of that website. Keep in mind that many web hosts expect multi-year contracts to get the best rates. This post will help you understand the different types of web hosting options available and clarify some terms that may be difficult to understand.
